Monday, February 7, 2011

Intrawebs, David Tomlin, Grannies, Lies, Roman Catholics.and Oh Yeah... Beattitudes!

So I am exited next Sunday we visit our first church, it has been narrowed down to three but I am still researching and checking them out on the intraweb. I as though in a lot of ways I am standing on the edge of something big... I don't know what it is or what it will mean for me personally but just the thought of the possibilities are awesome. Much of me is tired of anticipation and ready to get down to it, so next weeks blog should be very interesting!

On to my question last week, I ask you to put those specific 5 areas (not the only 5) in order of importance to you specifically, they were Denomination, Fellowship, Message, Music  and Tots. The responses were pretty well what I expected. Based on who you were and what was going in in your life is how it broke down. Mom's placed importance on tots, students on fellowship, some said message, everyone was middle ground on music.

Basically I opened that Pandora's Box to back a trend I see in the American Church, I believe that (some) churches that want to see results in the way of large crowds can often use these areas of "Church" to draw people. A church hires youth pastors and children pastors so kids will be excited, so in turn their parents will be excited and attend regularly. They bring on big time worship leaders, spend thousands upon thousands of dollars to make "worship" cutting edge and rocking. Pastors tell made up stories from pulpits placing their names and personal information in to cause a reaction from the body whether it is laughter or tears. Finally (here we go) people who don't know half of their denominational beliefs tow a line of denominational loyalty completely ignorant of not only what others believe but what they believe as well... Granny was a Methodist so I'm a Methodist (stayed away from the SBC this time).

Let me start my feelings on these 5 issues by stating that all 5 have a place in the church. Giving kids something to do and teaching them the basics is beneficial, We need preachers who can convey the message of the Gospel and lead believers to deeper walks with conviction and care. Fellowship with other when done correctly is strengthening and a beautiful help in our walk with Christ. I know I have a history which includes periods where I non-denomed (and I may again) but I see the purpose and value of denominations... I really do. And music, well to me you need music, i don't know about placing so much importance on relevance to the point you spend so much money... but to each his own.  In other words, there is no bad part of the 5 choices.

To me in the end it all comes back to the gospel, it all comes down to discipleship and the role the church plays in that. It is about worship, not with guitars and large speakers playing the hippest David Tomlin song out there but rather worship from the humble heart of those who truly love and adore God. It is about being a shoulder for someone who is overwhelmed, a dollar for someone who is broke. It is about being CHRISTIANS, the beatitudes alive and walking today. Too often though the church (organizations) misdirects the attention of it's people by drawing our attention on insignificant things such as affiliation, style, flash and religious traditions that bear no resemblance to anything in God's Word. It is time the church (the people) rise beyond the consumer driven church programming of the day, to stop looking for where you can be entertained and find where you can be used. It is like that Roman Catholic JFK once said ask not yada yada yada (you know it). Instead we should be asking not what God can do for me through the church but what I can do for God in all areas of my life (including church). This is my focus and goal moving forward as we find our new place... I want to challenge you to as well!

Next question for you guys.

Who was your biggest influence on your spiritual life as a kid? (0-18)
Who was your biggest influence on your spiritual life as an adult? (18-present)
Explain who they were aka. Sunday school teacher, pastor, youth guy, parent, grandparent...


  1. [undeterred]
    In keeping with my usual long-windedness, I'm going to smuggle in extra answers below:
    1. My Sunday school teacher, Russell Jones, who challenged me to consider whether Jesus was Lord of my life and thus led me to true faith in Christ, then Kevin Pounds, not only for his teaching, but even more for his example of someone consumed with love for God.
    2. My friend from Georgia State BSU, Xavier Pickett, who challenged me to rethink and reform some of my theological commitments in light of God's Word, then Brian Shank who was my closest (and almost only) friend in Louisville for two years, with whom I did more personal evangelism and had more Bible conversations than anyone else.

  2. Thinking about this some more, I've realized that as important as the people mentioned above have been to my spiritual life, the list I gave was completely wrong, and should be:

    1. My Dad, Troy Lindsey, (especially in earlier years, but even to this day) who I saw converted to Christ when I was a child and who has consistently taught me to place God's Word and the good news of Jesus Christ above all things.
    2. My wife, Abby Lindsey, who always encourages me, holds me accountable, and tries (very successfully!) to live out what the Bible teaches re: being a wife and mother, which challenges me to live out what the Bible teaches re: being a husband and father.

    I honestly think that I overlooked these most important people because their presence is so constant and their influence is so consistent in my life.

  3. 1. Growing up... my parents Graham and Vicki Cross. They instilled the value of Christ in me and standing up for Christ, even when others don't.

    2. Now... Jeremy Mattick, my husband. Who encourages me and shows me true "unconditional love" daily.
